Thursday, March 12, 2015

.Magic Wheel.

In a past post of mine I shared the rare but hilarious spotting of a man taking his parrot for a bike ride! Well, this morning there was another rare sighting in Minneapolis...
This man was riding his magic wheel to work! 😂😂

Ethan thought it was brilliant. I thought it was just plain bizzare.

Wednesday, February 11, 2015


So I mentioned before that I would try to fill the gap of the last 3 years. I thought I should start by introducing two of the people that I will probably talk about the most.
This is Mason Warren. He is a sweet, sweet little boy that loves to climb on the furniture, throw any sort of ball he can get his hands on, read books, delay bedtime, watch minions and eat snow. He is 2 1/2 now and we are about 5-6 months in to the "terrible twos".
Mason, 4 days.

Mason, 2.5 years.
This is Hadley Jayne. She is the first granddaughter on my husband's side of the family, with a brother and five boy cousins (so far) to grow up with. She smiles all the time, is just starting to "find her voice" and almost never cries.
 Hadley, 2 weeks.

Hadley, 3 months.

.Broken Promises.

I started this blog several years ago to keep friends and family up to date with our adventures in Minnesota. I last posted that we were expecting a baby! Well, kind of a lot has happened since then. Mason was born, he is now 2 and a half and he even has a little sister, Hadley.
There really was "no time" as a mom with a new baby to blog. But, now things just happen that I need to write down or I'm afraid I will forget them forever. So, here we go again. I'm attempting life as someone who has a blog and actually uses it.
I may go back and try to fill in some of the gap that is the last 3 years, but I can't make any promises.

Friday, March 2, 2012

.It's a Homemade Christmas.

This year for Belden Christmas we each drew a name, but then we had to MAKE our person a gift. This was no easy task but it turned out awesome!

I drew Blake's name.

I made him a big camp/blaze orange blanket.
Which I believe he loved and/or he has a great poker face!

Blake had my name.

He made me the sweetest belt!
I was quite blown away with it really.
He had stars and my name on it.

Audrey drew my Dad's name.

She found a loop hole in the system and did not stick to the 'one gift' rule as technically, no one ever said we could only give ONE gift. So, gift #1....

Home and Away 'jerseys' for her book keeper!

Gift #2... she's definitely trying to pull the 'favorite daughter' card with this one.

Point proven.

Gift #3.

A CD titled "Butchered: A Compilation of songs you know and love"

Audrey sang several of Dad's favorite songs and recorded them all on a CD for him. (Moody Blues, Eagles, Eric Clapton, etc.)

Dad had Audrey's name.

He made her the coupon book of the century!

Not only does she get 'free hugs', but he actually has to hug her back! :P Among going car shopping, cooking her dinner, paying a few bills and other things.

Mom had Erin's name.

She made her 3 pairs of earrings that turned out awesome!

Erin had Ethan's name.

She is so super talented and him this Bills helmet out of duct tape!
Phe-nomenal! (Not to mention, everyone that sees this, then puts in an order for their team! She has made several others since this one)

Ethan drew my mom's name.

"He" made her a story book.

You can have the story read to you here: